flagsPeaceNow believes peace is the state from which all challenges in the world are resolved most effectively.  To achieve this, the responsibility of all world citizens and their governments is to set aside everything that creates division. This includes hate, retaliation, beliefs, politics, race, religion, nationalities and any other potential sources of separation. Common ground is the only place that peace will endure.

We believe resource shortages should never be used as justification for conflict including water, food, oil, minerals, or any other form of treasure no matter how much they are coveted or needed. Enduring peace is the universal foundation from which every outcome in the world will be most fairly determined.

We recognize that the Earth and its precious air, water and multitudinous forms of life are a biosphere of co-dependent miracles that benefit equally from peace. Therefore we believe Now is the time for Peace and with this healing intention in heart and mind, we are co-creating PeaceNow. Our goal is to gather ONE BILLION peace-minded people to join together and pledge their signatures for the worldwide enactment of Global Peace. Our greatest hope is that each country and world citizen will recognize and embrace their duty to utilize or replace their leaders so that these beliefs are manifested in a harmonious, ever-evolving world based in friendship, goodwill and peace.
