PeaceNow is GrowingWe understand the only way to join One Billion people that share a common belief in peace is via the World Wide Web.  We can introduce social, service and peace organizations to each other that are guided by the same vision of living in harmony by simply moving our fingers. We just have to be reminded of this, so the 2.5 billion internet-users on planet earth know that with a maximum of four clicks they can sign The PEACENOW Petition/Proclamation and join in unity with ONE BILLION strong.

If you were to find via Facebook, your path to us could be this: one click to open, one click to “like” PeaceNow, one click to access the sign petition page on the site and fill out the form and then one click on the “Add Signature” button.

I believe the desire for peace is shared universally by world citizens everywhere in numbers that vastly exceed those few that benefit from conflict. We already have “Likes” from 45 countries on our Facebook page during the short time we have been there.

I believe the time for peace is now for these reasons and the universal connection that joins us all is being seen today. It is self-evident that the tool, the sentiment and the recognition that we can survive only by living in peace has created the time for Peace to begin… NOW.

Desire + Infrastructure + Ease + Need + Love = PeaceNow
